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Beneficial Ownership in Ghana

A beneficial owner is a person who directly or indirectly ultimately owns or exercises substantial control over a person or company and has a substantial economic benefits from a company.

The Central Registry. Under the Companies Act, 2019 (Act 992), a Central Registry is established to capture details of beneficial owners. Consequently, the Registrar General has announced the deployment of the new Central Beneficial Ownership Register effective October 1, 2020. All shareholders must provide to the Registrar General beneficial ownership details at the time of incorporation or 28 days after any change in beneficial ownership.

“Experienced Attorneys Aggressive Representation.”

Register of beneficial Owners. Each company, in addition to notifying the Companies Registrar of beneficial ownership details, must maintain a Register of Beneficial Ownership.


“Globally Minded.”


“Courage to Go Deep.”

Disclosure Details

  • Full name and any former or other names
  • Date and place of birth
  • Telephone number
  • Nationality, nationality identity number, passport number or other appropriate identification and proof of identity
  • Residential, postal or email address, if any
  • Place of work and position held
  • Nature of the interest, including the details of the legal, financial, security, debenture or informal arrangement giving rise to the beneficial ownership
  • Confirmation as to whether the beneficial owner is a politically exposed person



  • Cynthia Jackson

    October 11, 2018

    Cu sale quidam euripidis nam. Cu everti sensibus urbanitas ius, eu eam liber ocurreret. Modo urbanitas constituto sit at. Est modo rebum minimum ad, et mel diam perpetua.


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